An occlusion muzzle can be used as a muzzle to stop dogs from barking or a dog muzzle to prevent biting. On the contrary, the occlusion muzzle is like a straight jacket that’s made of fabric and it wraps around your dog’s mouth to keep the mouth closed. Wearing a basket dog muzzle allows your furry friend to run, play, pant freely, and drink water without biting or barking at others around her. If you have an active dog or a dog that reacts aggressively towards other dogs and strangers, wearing the basket dog muzzle is the solution. Additionally, there are basket muzzles that have slits along the side so you can give your dogs larger dog treats through the slit bars. If you are muzzle training or muzzle conditioning your dogs not to bite, the basket dog muzzle is a great device to prevent biting.

Basket muzzle straps around your dog’s snout while still allowing him or her to open their mouths comfortably, eat small treats, pant freely, and drink water. If you’re going on daily walks and your dogs are fearful of strangers, it is best to get a basket muzzle. Regardless of which dog muzzle you decide to use, make sure the muzzle allows for easy breathing and panting. Specifically, how a dog muzzle works depend on your dog breed, your dog’s behavior, and the type of dog muzzle you use. A dog muzzle works by keeping your pup’s mouth closed or contained.