Growing up without a dad
Growing up without a dad

growing up without a dad
  1. Growing up without a dad professional#
  2. Growing up without a dad crack#

I am very sensitive talking about my father because it brings my past. i know most of the people say that no matter what his still my father of course he is but let me tell you how i suffer and being a miserable my life when he left and it really mark my heart and i cannot directly forget it so muchhhh.

growing up without a dad

Growing up without a dad professional#

He pushed me to accept the challenge being an independent in a young age, he use to be my inspiration to achieve my goals and be a professional someday that i just wanna realized him that its worth it that he left us because i can stand by my own and live my life without him in our side that i can achieve my goals in my own. My father's absence has taught me never to be DEPENDENT on every thing. Sometimes i constantly think about what would be my life could have been like if i was raised in a two parent or at least had an active father. However, I am work in progress and always told myself i should be strong for the sake of my brother's and my family. As I continue to develop and grow as a woman, I am greatly affected by my father's absence and lack of love by him but to much affected slight lang.But of course sometimes i blame myself because i really hate my father i just can't accept why he left us without a certain explanation and for god sake were too young since he leave. Their love is always been unconditional but a girl like me really needs a father. No matter how hard my family's especially my grandparents and my aunt's tried to play both roles, i never felt whole and i know it was forever.

Growing up without a dad crack#

Every time i see a father and his daughter's bonding i felt crack and my heart crumpled by allowing my tears fall down and wishing that what if i used to be her daughter that i can put her smiles on mine it seems a wonderful feeling right? It really hurts being abandoned by your own father! i never went to a father-daughter dance, and I never got to cry on my dad's shoulder every time i am scared or sad. In my case, my father says incredibly hateful things to me and pretends he is involved in my life his lies allow him to be a father without actually doing one because he never love me in the first place. The years following, he would appear and disappear, all the while giving me false hope that i would have a chance to develop a relationship with him. Immediately after i was born i think i'm just 1 year old at that time my dad rejected me it hurts right? He claimed i was not his daughter, but eventually came to his senses and acknowledged by my mama that i was. I am one of those daughters that has derived of the chance to be a daddy's little princess or to be the apple of their father's eye how sad my life right? I never experience what other children does.

growing up without a dad

It's sad to think that many will not be celebrating a Father's Day like me huhuhaha however it will not matter because we didn't know their father like mine is unable or deceased right? But really reason is my father chose not to play an active role as father to me. But the lasting effects of an absentee of a father can ruin a child's life but it can make them stronger. Regardless of the reason and as a result of this poor decision many children grow up feeling denied, disregarded and UNLOVED. Some do it for career purposes, some do it because they feel they cannot handle being a father and this is where I am belong. Thousands of men neglect their children every day. I needed my dad, but I am now stronger without him.

Growing up without a dad